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Mark Earlix is dedicated to helping people to heal
and to teaching others about healing.


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Healing Clinic

Daily Sessions:

$65 USD


Register Today


Mark is now living in AZ and is often working out of the

SNAP Campus.


In-person Appointments

Monday – Sunday,

10 am – 7 pm  (AZ Time)

in Scottsdale, AZ​


Phone, Zoom, Face Time Appointments

Monday – Sunday,

10 am – 7 pm (AZ Time).

Secure Your Appointment, Now!

First-Time Session: $125

Regular Session: $150

Healing Clinic Session: $65


Call Mark to schedule your appointment. Payments accepted via PayPal (payment links at bottom of page).  Zelle (also available use "Donald Earlix")


Call  1.888.380.6388

to book your personal appointment with Mark.


First Session - $125

Buy with PayPal


Client Session -  $150

Buy with PayPal

Spiritual Matters with Mark Earlix

Sensitive, open, and uncensored, Mark uses his gift of healing to see into the source of pain, physical diseases, chronic discomforts and emotional traumas. He then connects to the person’s spirit to resolve those issues to end the suffering so they may heal more fully. 


When therapists and medical doctors have reached their potential for helping patients, they have often privately suggested that their patients see Mark.


Mark is now living in AZ and is working out of the SNAP Campus.

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Online Healing Circle:

March 11th


Register Today


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Mark's New Book
Available for Order!
Click the book to order yours, today!


Healing Clinic Session -  $65

Buy with PayPal
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Please be advised that Mark Earlix owns all legal rights to Mark Earlix, LLC. Any individual or group trying to impersonate or intercede with any type of communication between Mark Earlix (or his Assistants) and Businesses for purposes of wrongful gain or defamation of Mark Earlix's person or business may be subject to penalties under Arizona state laws.


If you are the recipient of any communication that is either insulting or inappropriate, please contact Mark Earlix immediately at 1.888.380.6388.


Thank you for your understanding and discernment in this matter.

Contact Mark or staff for information at 1.888.380.6388

or email

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